The pressure before reborn ( Chapter 6 )

2022-03-12 16:31:44 - Elizabeth

Changes comes without asking permission to arrive, it feels almost impossible to handle when we been stuck in the comfort zone, it feels like walking in the Hell itself, it confuses us, creates mixed feelings, many we have never ever experienced before. Nothing and no one prepares you for this season of all storms and no rainbows. One reason is the process takes longer than what we could imagine, and it is when we feel we lose control about our situation. The problem is never the storm but the battle within, what we tell ourselves, what we keep repeating, mistakes we keep making, ignoring the lessons or the challenge, the pressure to reborn become bigger, and so, of course, harder to handle. I am in the pressure to reborn, i know deep inside i have ask for it, i got tired, so tired of giving, being, staying, and living for others, because i thought and i convince myself it is the only way of being needed and loved. I am not saying im going to change my essence but, i do know i am going to have limits in my life now, and what is more clear to me is, i am the only responsible for what i have receive or i didnt receive, expectations on others instead of myself, has ruined many moments of my life and my spiritual peace. Now i am changing what i dont like anymore, trying to get where i want to br, and becoming who i want to be.

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