Creating my reality ( Chapter 26 )

2022-04-29 00:22:28 - Elizabeth

Creating my reality, day by day, hour by hour, thoughts are no longer controlling me, imagination is no longer out of control, fear has now a expired time to be gone, i am enough, i was already enough, then, i will be forever enough. Finding the light within, asking to be guided by the divine within me, i let go the fear, and i welcome the new, matter of fact, i welcome the real me, the always me, the one who was desperated to see this light, to be the light. If there is something i could say today is this, i have never understood that my whole being, my real self, me, was yelling for freedom, it was so hidden that i didnt know it exists. I have always had the odd feeling of, not feeling myself fully, i have always felt, there was something missing, and no, it wasnt a seek of happiness as most of people feel, it was more like, a true soul trying to be seen, feel, listen to, and finally i released my soul, i discovered that there is an entire universe within each one of us, this changed my life, it really did. Healing, evolving, changing, accepting, believing, trusting, that i was, i am, and i will forever be enough. Blessed to testify this. Thank GOD for this opportunity.

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