Higher Mighty ( Chapter 35 )

2022-05-19 21:16:05 - Elizabeth

From a place where nobody knows, a place where everything is perfect, where nobody lacks anything, where there is enough for every creature in the universe, a place where nothing is in vain, everything creates beauty and perfection. From a place where there is peace and pleasure, joy and calm, happiness and kindness, where there is infinite wealth and health, where there is no envy or jealousy. A place where everyone feels happy for others, where the love is the most valuable treasure. A place where the inner soul is the only that matters, where the energy reaches a high level of abundance, A place where, no dream is impossible to achieve, where nothing seems far from the reality. A place where nobody is better than others, but everybody equal and appreciated. A place where the magic is what we breathe, where there are no limits on receiving. A place where the fountain is always ready to give, and the spirit is happy to receive. A place where there are no wars, because nothing is unbalanced, where no words are needed to create, only energy. A place where there is no suffering, nor pain, only pleasure and joyful moments. A place that exists and is for everyone. Not even hidden but discovered by few. A divine place, where we all came from. A place, where we are going back, once this life of ours, its over.

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