How to believe when there seems no way ( Chapter 28 )

2022-05-04 17:28:52 - Elizabeth

At this point of the century, i think i can confirm we have been in this situation multiple times, situations of desperation, trouble after trouble, illness, stress, worries, and all moments where our faith in ourselves, in the world, in the universe, or God, seems to be tested to the maximum level. I can say that we never know what we are capable of, until this kind of moments arrives, and not even during the process, we will find out the strength after the problem is solved. We dont know ourselves, we dont know the capability to face something we have never expect to happen, we have no idea, no clue, not even imagine that the hardest things can happen to us, because we really feel that would be unfair, that wouldn't be right, because we think from our beliefs and perspective, that everything we did was from our best intentions, and so, we also believe if we are good enough, nothing bad will ever happen to us. There are two things i have discover myself, the first one is, nothing bad is really bad, nothing terrible is really terrible, and nothing that happen to us was meant for someone else but us. There are no accidents on things happening, i know it wont make sense to many because is almost if im saying it is ok to suffer or to have many problems, well no, im not saying we must ask for it, but how we should react to it in order to transform something we tag as bad, into something i can learn from, into growth, into elevation, into something greater. Imagine if nothing ever happens to you, nothing, nor good or bad, how could you learn to reach maturity? how could you learn to be aware and appreciate things in life? If your life is always the same, so your reactions will be always the same, with this conclusion, we do need problems happening to us, i am not saying we are going to love them, no, but we can give it the opportunity to teach us something, finding light even if is an small light in the middle of this darkness. We can use the problem in our favor, if we are willing to learn and see beyond the situation, asking the right questions can keep our faith strong and so, ourselves during this process. What is this for? Did i learn something already while the problem is here? How it made me feel? How did i react everyday about it? What message is this problem bringing to my life? What is the reason of why this problem came along? Did i manifest it? Did i ask for a change? Did i ever say im tired and i need something new? Many times we have manifest the situation into our lives, knowing we need it, but we never expect it as a hard work problem to solve, we want to receive some kind of changes that works inmediately instantaneously in a short period of time. We want the changes, but not what it takes to be done. Still, we can start to change the concept of a problem, to an opportunity, since you and i know, after or even during the problem is in process, we are no longer the same person who walked in this situation, so we have made already a progress we are not yet aware of, but it is existing in the Universe as it is. The change is activated, and so, we are. When we imagine a new life, we use to imagine the final results, for example a beautiful house in the beach, and the most amazing paradise to live in, but, we forget, and here is were we make a mistake, we really forget to imagine that the process of this new life will be a blessing for us, we have to picture the effort we will put to get it, otherwise, we jump to the final work, ignoring the process which is the hardest part of manifesting what we want, and how we want it. Imagine yourself, working for it, without pain, without suffering, just having faith, and patience, and then picture your final goal as what you want to achieve. Dont ignore the process, there is where your faith is tested, there, in the middle of it, is where you will discover who you are, what you are capable of, and what is there waiting for you. Manifesting also takes faith, is not only imagination, but the intention which you put, while you are believing it is going to happen how you wish it happen. Faith is the key, the most valuable thing that will keep you going, without faith, it is only a simple dream, that will be vanished without the chance to be materialized in this world and in your life. How to protect your faith? Answer those questions i mentioned before every single day, or every moment where you have doubts. Force yourself to answer it, as it is a prayer, make it happen, give it reasons to accept the problem as a new opportunity, and your faith will grow every day even in the hardest moment you have to face, faith is your guardian angel, dont let him go, and feed him with love in order to grow and grow, to overcome, whatever that you are facing now. Faith and love, and a lot of patience. There is no magic trick, just dont quit.

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