Meanwhile waiting ( Chapter 21 )

2022-04-12 03:31:36 - Elizabeth

Waiting is a hard process for any of us, there are some days where i feel so faithful and amazing about my calling, but there are some days where i feel tired, confused, even though i never lose my faith, i cant and i wont say, i have full control of my states of emotions and feelings, i think it is ok to not be in control, but sometimes it feels harder than yesterday. Positivity is the key, because i keep saying to myself, you are going to make it, you are going to be ok, you are going to fully heal, you are going to overcome this, you are going to understand all of this, why it had to happen, but still is a process where i am under testing all the time, i know i can make it, but i can also share honestly feelings like this, where i say i dont have it all figured out, and i know it is ok to not have it at all. It is a new lesson for me, to understand and accept it as it is. Never had this challenge before, i know i had overcome many things already, but this one is definitely one of the biggest in my entire life.

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