Stronger Faith ( Chapter 20 )

2022-04-08 21:53:17 - Elizabeth

One day at a time. From my healing journey there are good days and days that i dont feel the energy i would love to feel, i am not complaining but explaining how i feel and how i am living this process. A new life has started, but first, i have to get full recover, i know it takes time, as falling down took too, and everything in life, nothing that is worth to fight for, its solved overnight, of course, many of us already know that. I have learn so much in this part of my life, that i really feel my strength got stronger, and my faith, grew a lot, more than what i could ever imagine, i am happy for that, i feel good about it, its just a bit hard when we have to find our own balance, when we have these days where it feels weird, or not too much like us. I wake up every day being thankful, i talk to GOD and of course, the first thing i do when i go to sleep and when im up is to say, thank you for another day, thank you that i am alive, thank you for the opportunity, thank you for every miracle. I wouldnt let my faith get changed or affected because of the pain, the uncertain situtations or anything else, my faith stays strong and can only grow more from here. God knows, how many nights i have talk to him, many nights were with joy, and many others were not, but still, GOD knows the size of my love, and my beliefs, he knows how much i have protec my faith to dont fall into the trap of blaming the world, or blaming others, or even blame, no, i dont do that. I d rather be grateful and attract what is meant to be for me, with patience, with time, with understanding, i try to do it every day, because thats the life i want, a positive mindset, a pure heart, to be free, to love myself, and appreciate myself for who i am, because who i am, is enough if GOD saved me once again, he did it, and i believe.

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