Elizabeth 2 years ago

The keys ( chapter 38 )

There comes the day where, everything starts to make a lot of sense, where no words or explanations are needed, where confusion is no longer a part of the mind, where to see the truth is so clear, that nothing else can or will be the same. As it days comes, never gives advice when is about to happen or when it is already happening, we call it many names and definitions but the process cant be named, it cant be described, it exists and creates a new world from within us, even not knowing such a huge challenge, we go through it, having zero idea about it, still, something inside, its always guiding us, telling us, whispering us, where to go, how and when, it tells you when to stop, when to run, when to wait, when to react, when to let go, this voice is the savior of our lives, if we learn to listen to it, then it becomes like an angel who is there always for us, with us. It is quite hard to find out what is it, we tend to tag everything so, often we really miss the true meaning of many amazing things happening in our lives, we miss the value of something for being focus in the wrong thing, with the wrong energy. Sometimes we even deny it, as we could feel we dont really deserve this gift, or blessing or miracle, we have doubts about ourselves and so, we add doubt to anything that the Universe brings to us. It is what we do, we complicate things that already exists and they are perfectly the way they are, but we twist it until the magic inside is gone or turn off. Because we cant just believe, or have a strong faith, we d rather say, things like this are not possible. To believe is to create, how can we receive what we really want if we doubt about manifesting it until it becomes a material thing here. Is not unless you see it by yourself, and you feel it by yourself, that the change has arrived, and the gift, the light, the miracle, the perfection of live is finally here, but not everyone sees it, many will go across the momentum and miss it anyway, blinded by their doubts, and fears, they will just deny it. The few ones who discover the key, will never go back to that negative behavior again, whose having the keys will never act or think or even feel as they did before, once you find out how it works, nothing is impossible anymore, and everything is possible. For you, for them, for everyone.


God knows

2 years ago

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Recognize your power

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2 years ago