Elizabeth 2 years ago

The pressure of happiness ( Chapter 25 )

In this era, it seems like a command that everybody should be happy all the time, and what does it means to be happy anyways? If each one of us has a different definition of what is to feel happy, and every single person knows, how unreal is to seek for happiness every day, every moment, every hour. What a lie we believe! and what for right? it makes no sense to be living in this kind of exhausted life style, where if i am not happy, i should force myself to feel happy and so pretend to be in a state i am not. It seems like, if one day we are not happy, it is a wasted day, it look like, a failure to the society and the fake definition of it. What about the single meaning of it? what about, what represents happiness to me, does not represents you, and vice versa? what about the term peace, calm, healthy, arent those feelings happiness too for many of us? why does happiness has to be align with being content or joyful? At this point in my life, happiness to me is, being healthy, in peace with myself, finding my true self, being spiritually elevated, living aware of who i am and what i came to do here, and twenty years ago, happiness to me meant a lot different than what i think or feel today about it. So how are we going to push ourselves to be happy all the time, if the definition of this word itself has no universal definition whatsoever? and even if it had, why would we put ourrselves in such a hard moment as to be forcing our whole being to happy? for whom? for what they are going to say? for what they expect from us? for what the world says happiness means? why and what for? For seeking happiness all the time, we end up stressed out, we end up even more un happy than before, finding nothing but empty spaces to fill with empty things, far away from what to be happy means. The pressure comes from many places, society, social media, family, and many more, but the only one responsible of the stressful life carrying this huge responsibility is us, we are the responsible of it, of course, nobody is saying we do it in purpose, we do not, but we find ourselves at certain point between what is real and the confusion of what they told us is. I think, if we could just accept the fact that, living for this, is not living, and we can change it, we can change the expectation of being happy all the time for, the reality and healthy desicion of, being present all the time, because we do not know what is coming tomorrow, or next week or next year, so putting our expectation into tomorrow is also a waste, as we dont know if it will be amazing or horrible, if it will make us feel happy or anxious. We must live here, today, now, having dreams and goals, yes, but having all our energy focus on what is coming while we dont even know what is it? no. Present in the present. That is my lesson. The hardest one of all times.


Your path, and only yours.

2 years ago

What you cannot see you must see ( Chapter 34 )

2 years ago

Good luck, Good lie

2 years ago

The evidence of signals ( Chapter 5 )

2 years ago

Authentic Love

2 years ago