Elizabeth 2 years ago

I can make it happen ( Chapter 3 )

How many times do we have to tell this to ourselves? I can make it happen! We do it even not so sure that we really will, even with doubts about it, and so many questions that will not have an answer but we still formulate them because we just overthink our situations to find nothing but more reasons to be worried about, but, and it is a big but, we still have found strength to motivate ourselves with the famous and most popular phrase, i can make it! did we ever stop to think about the good side of it? Did we ever said * I am doing my best * ? We should! as this is maybe the biggest truth of all. I can make it even when im not in the mood of doing it, i can make it even in the worst moment of anxiety ever, i can make it even if my life feels like a huge chaos right now, i can make it simply because i want to make it, i can make it because some people could be inspired by it, i can make it to make it! There are billions of reasons of why we can make it, and i realized that, if we take 1 year, or even 1 month repeating it to ourselves every morning, when we woke up, every single day without checking our feelings or thoughts ( Lets not depend of these two ) If we do it every hour in a day and more often at nights, where we already know it become harder for us to handle, nights are usually that moment where we say ( here we go again ) If we continue repeating that phrase that for you, and many others maybe seems to be simple words, i can assure you that you will make it and not only make it but achieve it, enjoy it, embrace it, create it, and live in a healthy abundance with it. Again, why dont we just do it right? if it is as easy as it seems, why dont we do it as a prayer? Why do we have hard times telling our brain, mind, heart, soul, body, positive and good things instead of, being stuck in negativities and worries that, will waste our precious time, will make us feel tired, will convince us of something that is not real and is not happening, and definitely will evade our evolving process and growth purpose. There is only one simple and common reason, we were living for too many years being worried, paying more attention to the negative side of everything, than the positive side of it. We will be so professional and good at helping others, giving advices, all kind of *How to live your life* solutions but deep inside thinking that this small yet powerful phrase cant help us I CAN MAKE IT And i did not say i will make it, since I WILL could be in 1 day 1 year or 50 years, notice that sentence is in the future, and we have to live and be present, in the present. I can make it is a powerful affirmation and yes, i know, we have million phrases and affirmations we could use daily, the problem is not the lack of what we could say to ourselves, the problem is us, we are the problem, as we have the power to motivate us or not doing it at all. It is a choice, and so again and i know you dont like the feeling of * This is my responsibility * But, we are here to talk about it, not to pretend about it, because we pretend for too long is the main reason we failed many times even while we have invest all our energy in it. I can make it should be a prayer we say anytime we feel insecure, with fear, anxious or in any situation, i know you will say, is not magic but it is! Actually intentional words works as magic spell for you when you speak it out loud or even when it stays as thoughts. It will create whatever where you have put your attention and intentions. I can make it. We can make it.



2 years ago

Magic within

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discovering ourselves ( Chapter 8 )

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Culture, being smart is dangerous

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Encontrando el equilibrio

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