Elizabeth 2 years ago

The confirmation ( Chapter 10 )

Magic exists, energy rules the entire Universe, the frequency, the life. Everything exists and everything is possible when we believe, as the law says, when we think we create, our thoughts cannot be seen nor touch, but they exist within us, they are writing every single chapter of our lives, if we believe our thoughts exists without seeing these, we can believe in anything else, as love, love does not have an universal form, or shape, or color, or even a material body, love cannot be seen or hold, touch or understood, love exists because it is, does not need a piece to fit it, love is everything that we have felt in many ways words cannot not explain, and it changes as many times as we do, love transforms it never dies, it cannot die, if it dies, it wasnt love at all. So what is a confirmation? What is that magical sign that comes suddendly and gives us hope, give us strength, the divine message to confirm that we are in the right path, the rarest signal that takes no words to be felt, a confirmation is often, that which we wasnt looking for, and as a precious gift it appears to us, in a dream, in a thought, through our instincts, or even as one word, a bird flying around us, a rose growing in the concrete, a feather falling infront of us, a white butterfly crossing our way, and many many ways of life saying, keep going, you are not alone, keep trying because you are closer than what you ever imagine, keep your faith high in the sky, because GOD is with you, angels are around you with you, because nothing happens by accident, everything happens when it has to happen, when is the perfect timing, the right moment, and here, during the process of seeking for a miracle, the confirmations are, the highest form of our prayers response, often we wait for spectacular miracle, that which would blow our mind and leave us speachless, but, the divine world doesnt work this way, it is not for shown but for faith, it is how energy communicates with us, without words, only with signals, and if we are not open to understand and accept, that this is how life goes, we wouldnt be able to appreciate or recognize when miracles comes to us, for us. Waiting for the spectacular, we spend so much time, wasting so much time, that we will never get back, instead of appreciating the little confirmations, that are not little for sure, but we think it is, we put such a high expectation on many things we couldnt comprehend, waiting for things we would never understand, but if we let go our ideals and we decide to receive what the Universe has for us, as it is, as it comes, as it cant be in a different way, acceptance! is the door to receive confirmations! awareness to recognize it, patience to wait for it, love to give value to it, faith, to know it comes from a Divine place, and how blessed we are if we receive it more than once. The confirmation to me is, the light in the darkness, the glass of water in the middle of the dessert, the best friend hug in the hardest moment, the blessing of GOD. Treasure your confirmations, remember, we are millions of people, and not everyone is capable to see it, to receive it, to understand it, and even more important, to be thankful for it. I am thankful that i am able to recognize my confirmations, i am forever grateful.


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