Why are we, the way we are? ( Chapter 27 )

2022-04-30 17:41:21 - Elizabeth

Why we are here? Right now in this present moment? Why do we feel like nothing is happening when nothing seems to happen? Why do we have the need of feeling busy and relate it to be significant? Why do we give too much attention to what is absent, and we completely ignore what is here? Why do we have the fear of wasting our time when we stay still, when staying still is the secret of receiving? Why do the silence often feels like dead time, when is the perfect time to be with ourselves? Why does it feel uncomfortable like an stranger sitting right beside us, do we forget that we were first all strangers? Why do we expect too much from people, and too little from ourselves, then complaining about having zero products of what we didnt do? Why we avoid challenges fearing changes, when changes are what will form us? Why do we say we will do many things and we do nothing instead, but blaming the world for this empty spaces inside us? Why do we promise to others what we cannot sustain for ourselves, knowing if we fail ourselves, we will surely fail others? Why is life so easy and we work really hard to make it very complicated? Why if we have everything within us, we often feel empty? Why do we feel our inner voice and ignore it completely to later blame the destiny? Why do we ask from others what we didnt even start to work on ourselves? Why is that we want what others have not knowing the price they have paid for it? Why do we get obsessed with the idea of a perfect life, if when we were born we were already crying as first sight? Why do we have too many questions to drive us insane knowing there is no answers for all of them? Why do we stress ourselves to the point of an illness, knowing we will hate the process of it? Why do we say happiness is out there waiting for us, when everything we have is already within us? Why are we this complicated when we could make it so simple? Why is this a life we suppose to dream about when it feels more like a nightmare? Why are we, the way we are?

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