Written on a regular Saturday ( chapter 39 )

2022-06-17 22:37:24 - Elizabeth

Everything is changing, this new era has brought a lot of the unexpected, we are constantly being tested, this moment of life is carrying too many messages, too many lessons, too many situations we never could imagine, even if most of us don't speak about it, we know we can feel it, we know that it exists, it is here, between us, we can see it in the silence, in our dreams, in every signal we have receive, it is not easy for us to be fully aware of it, we are getting in there, now in the emotional state of recognizing it as it is, letting go what we have been taught, something we did our whole life until here, its being exchanging for an elevated truth, and yes, we can feel it right now, there is too much going on in the world that sometimes we get confused, or distracted by simple and silly things, but in a certain moment of the day or night, something takes us there, where the spirituality world is needing us the most, maybe we are afraid of the unknown, as we used to be, because our comfortable life told us it is ok to be living this way, but something stronger and higher has arrived, and no matter how hard we try to live stuck in our lives, we cannot ignore it, the elevation is mandatory, it is needed, it is the salvation of our humanity. I understand how complicated is to find reasons to be, that everybody wants to know why, why now, why us, why this way, even though, there is no universal answer for this, or maybe there is, the truth is, to deny it, wont make it disappear. It is the time to be responsible for ourselves and others, it is that time where we could change the whole thing, since we are capable of it, we were born with it, its even before our existence. Acceptance and awareness is the first step to a whole new chapter of the new book we suppose to write, to have faith in the new beginning is necessary, as much as having faith in ourselves. We have believe incredible stories from the past, why can't we believe that we are the new creators of what is coming, because wether we like it or not, we are already and constantly creating since we have memory, or even before that. Listen to that inner voice, after all, it is all you got.

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