Elizabeth 2 years ago

The lesson in the struggle ( Chapter 23 )

Never better mentioned " What doesnt kill you makes you stronger " even though most of us could agree with this famous known phrase, i think there is a missed piece in these words. " What doesnt kill you, maintain you in the struggle, helps you to survive, and then, finally, and after all .... it makes you stronger " now is way more accurate than before. We are so used to talk about, and share our testimonies focusing only in how do we started, and how it end up, but talking about the middle, the struggle, the pain, is something we will definitely avoid, evade, and ignore, while in the whole process, the struggle we been through brought us out of it, the most important phase always get cut off of the story, because talking about it feels again too real as it really was, when we should be proud about it, we should give it the protagonism it deserves, because it is the key to success, the door that opened many other doors, the light in the darkness, even if while we are in it, we cant feel it as a positive constructive thing, it is, and will be only clear to us, right after the struggle become a lesson to us, only there, we will be able to find out, how the struggle became our strength in silence, when we had no clue, when it felt like everything was falling apart, and there seemed no way out, the struggle made us who we are, without it, we couldn't have made it this far. Somehow we were told to never speak about the problem, or what we thought it was a problem, would you call it a problem if it brought you blessings? Would you say it was bad if you became a better version of yourself? would you see it as a negative experience if it tranformed your life into a better life? for such a long time we kept thinking in separated ways, when the truth is, the most ugly thing is connected to the most beautiful thing, the most impossible thing is connected to what is possible, the hardest situations are connected to the most amazing ones. My question is, would we appreciate today life as much as we do, without what we call " problems " ? i personally dont think we would, i think we would be living in the same life style for a long time or even, for a life time. Changing the perspective of how we see, feel, or translate the word problem, can change our whole life, our further results, our next challenges, because once we set up our mind to understand the real meaning, the depth form of this cursed word problem, changes and so, our while life does. Imagine if we were educated right? knowing, understanding with less fear, they made us feel afraid of having " Problems " this way, we will not dare to take, too many challenge because it could bring problems, we wouldnt dare to take too many risks, because it definitely will bring a lot of problems, we wouldnt even think to follow our instincts because that means problems will come along with it. So what did we chose? to have a safe life, a common life, a known life, even repeating the same life of what we saw, such as, our parents life, our grandparents life, and so, we were suppose to came to create a new karma, but we end up repeating the same familiar karma we dont like because it is safe, known, familiar, common, eventually, having an easy life or a hard one, in time, we will find out again, there is no formula to avoid or pretend to live, without problems, when you dont seek for it, it will seek you, it is the only way we receive an opportunity to grow, and we did not came to be stuck, but to evolve, change, grow, and move on, for those in denied of the opportunity to do all that, will be easier to be blind about it, and stuck again in the same place, in the same spot, in the same sad life they hate but prefer thinking, they are safe, but in this crazy world, nobody is safe, we are just riding different type of cars, some of us have an old car that goes slowly and loudy, some of us have the latest design car you could ever dream of, some of us have that car which we dont like but is was cheap and drive us everywhere, some of us have that car that will get from 0 to 200 in a second, but what do we have in common? That we all are driving cars, and it is a fact that, every car, will have its own needs and its own problems, sooner or later than others, but every car will. This is another lesson shared, from someone who thought "i could have control over everything" and the world slapped me to tell me no, you were wrong and it is time to change, because, your car is not perfect, should never be, it could never be. Drive it as you want, as you please, but do not forget, it can last many years, and it can get broken in a minute, as everybody's else car will eventually do. We cant have the benefits of what having a car brings, without the problem that comes with it. Struggle : Blessings.


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