Elizabeth 2 years ago

The power of the mind ( Chapter 22 )

Every day, works as a new lesson for me, so, in the middle of this storm i been for few months now, i have discovered that i can learn a lot from it, and today i want to talk about the power of our minds. Our wishes and thoughts, become our reality when we put enough intention and invest a lot of energy on it, same way it works as desctructive or negative tool, when we fill it with fear, anxiety, doubts, self criticism, etc. I did not know i have wished half of what i am going through until now that i am reviewing my past thoughts when i asked for what i have now and what i experienced the last 3 months, of course, it didnt came as i wished, but the thought did become a reality and it got materialized into this real world. I am and i have always been a very intense positive person, i am always the mediator of someone's else problems, and the hype up type person, but in this life style i used to have, somehow i forgot about myself, i forgot to my be me number one fan, and for many years i been there for everybody else, except for myself ! to the point where i found myself exhausted, tired and spending all my energy in everyone except myself! of course, i didnt realize it until this situation made me STOP! stop to everything stop about anything, which was the hardest thing i have experienced so far, yet, the biggest blessing i have experienced so far. At one point i was asking why? when i knew the answer all the time,it was me, it was me doing it to myself, i got myself tired to the limit, where nothing left except start all over again, and wasnt a decision it was more by force, my body and mind didnt respond as i though it would, there i knew, the situation was for real, the inner voice telling me, you brought yourself into THIS! do not look for someone else, do not blame the Universe, or anything or anyone, but you! of course, i did it, not knowing it would change my life forever, i asked for it, but when i asked for my awaking moment, or my re born process, i wouldnt have imagine it would be the challenge of my life! now i know why we cant predict the future, even though some people did or kind of, and is because, if we know what is next, and is not what we expect, we may dont keep going, or we stop trying or we would just say, no thank you! To the problems, issues, storms, challenges, and changes crucial moments. Thats why! Yet we keep trying to live in tomorrow, oh God! The worst thing we have learn in life is to be in a hurry for what? To suffer in advance for what we have no clue is going to happen? wow we are somehow very destructive when we want! This is my lesson, 41 years of my life, trying to read the future, for nothing. Here i am, starting all over again, at least with a different perspective of what i want, of who i am, and i want to be, most definitely is, not to live in tomorrowland forever.


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